With over 20 years experience in advertising layout and design, including the last 12 years designing hundreds of advertisements for advertisers in the Journal of Environmental Management Arizona and responsible for the entire magazine layout and design, we are uniquely qualified to work with small and large businesses and organizations on your print advertising needs.



Do you need a website for a new business, or do you already have a website you feel is outdated and/or not presenting the modern professional "image" you want to give to your clients? Selecting a designer to create, customize, or maintain, your organization's website is a serious business decision, and with so many options available it is not an easy decision. My priority is to work with you to define your specific needs and wants, and to provide you with a web design solution that works best for you and your business.

For more information on website design & customization, open the "WEBSITE" drop-down tab on the blue navagation bar at top.


Precision Image, has a wide range of experience on various aspects of videography. Working under the tradename EnvironmentalManagement.TV, we developed and produced for over one and a half years an online video program targeting the environmental management community in Arizona. The programming included interviews, on-site tours, and news reporting. Sponsor advertisements were filmed & produced as part of the presentation. These video programs can still be viewed at EnvironmentalManagement.TV. Much of the programming work was filmed in a 3-camera greenscreen studio.

If you have a specific videography project you would like discuss we are always happy to consider your requirements, and will let you know if we can help.

For more information on videography, open the "VIDEOGRAPHY" drop-down tab on the blue navagation bar at top.


Comments from some of the professionals I have worked with over the years in graphic design, including through Precision Image and through the Journal of Environmental Management Arizona.


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Author Name   Business or Organization


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